Welcome to VEXA, where our mission is to elevate your health and longevity through bespoke precision nutrition strategies. We believe in a holistic approach to well-being, focusing on personalized interventions that go beyond traditional health practices. Our commitment is to enable you to create and explore your own Vitality Extension Adventure, rediscovering the joy of life and achieving optimal well-being.

VEXA is not just a name; it’s a philosophy. We understand that vitality is the essence of a fulfilling existence, and as we age, maintaining that liveliness becomes paramount.

We are dedicated to guiding you on a journey to reclaim your youthful energy, optimize physical performance, and make meaningful changes that positively impact your life.

What Sets Us Apart

We stand out by offering a highly personalized approach to health and nutrition. We tailor our interventions to your unique genetic makeup, microbiome, metabolome, and other vital markers, accumulating over 1,000 data points for a comprehensive understanding of your well-being.


Precision Nutrition

Personalized nutrition counseling tailored to your unique make-up, based on functional tests (lab biomarkers), DNA tests, microbiome tests, metabolomic tests, continuous monitoring (CGM, wearables), smart scales, and more.

Sustainable weight management, including weight loss and weight gain. My goal is to help you achieve metabolic flexibility, so that our body uses whatever source of fuel you give it efficiently.

Medical Nutritional Therapy (MNT), providing individualized regimens to help treat conditions like prediabetes, Type II Diabetes, PCOS, obesity, cancer, ME/CFS, cardiovascular disease, Metabolic Syndrome, autoimmune diseases, and more.

Food allergies and sensitivity management

IBD, IBS, Chron’s Disease & general gut health

Health Reports

In-depth analysis of your gut microbiome to reveal potential microbial imbalances or dysbiosis, providing personalized dietary and supplement (probiotics/prebiotics) suggestions tailored to your unique profile.

Comprehensive assessment of 200+ key genetic markers associated with longevity or chronic diseases, which provides insights into genetic susceptibility to various health conditions and empowers you to take proactive measures to mitigate risks and enhance health and longevity.

Our research focuses on the following key areas of interest:

  • Bioelectricity

  • The Microbiome

  • Genetic Signatures of Aging and Chronic Disease

  • Epigenetic Signatures of Aging and Chronic Disease

  • Metabolomic Signatures of Aging and Chronic Disease

  • Proteomic Signatures of Aging and Chronic Disease

  • Transcriptomic Signatures of Aging and Chronic Disease

  • Nutritional Biochemistry, Nutrigenetics & Nutrigenomics

  • mTOR, AMPK, Mitochondria

  • Rapamycin & Other Small Molecules Associated with Longevity
  • Senescence and Senolytics
  • Gerontogens

  • Exosomes & RNA Splicing Variations

  • Artificial Intelligence Applied to Healthcare

Meet Andreea

I’m a Registered Dietitian and Molecular Biologist, specializing in genomics, the gut microbiome, and longevity.

For many years, my goal has been to help people improve their health, delay the onset of chronic disease, and maximize their lifespan.

Call it, “keeping alive and fit, in wait for more futuristic longevity technologies.”

My research centers on longevity, and in particular what modifiable factors (diet, exercise, mindset, environment, epigenetics, targeted therapeutics) and non-modifiable factors (age, sex, genetics) can influence it.

Andreea Nitescu RD MSc

CEO, Vexa Health Ltd.