Acid Reflux, GERD Specialization

Treat Heartburn With Holistic Strategies

Do you frequently experience heartburn, a burning sensation in your chest, or an uncomfortable feeling of food “sitting” in your stomach?

Have you been diagnosed with a hiatal hernia and told that you must be on PPIs for the rest of your life?

Acid Reflux and Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) can significantly impact your quality of life.

At VEXA, I provide comprehensive interventions to address the root causes of these conditions and achieve long-term relief.

Contrary to popular belief, acid reflux and GERD are very rarely caused by too much stomach acid.

In fact, our stomachs require high acidity (pH between 1.5-2.5) to break down proteins and absorb essential nutrients like iron and vitamin B12.

The real issue often lies with the Lower Esophageal Sphincter (LES) not closing properly, allowing stomach acid to travel back up the esophagus.

This can happen due to insufficient stomach acid, leading to improper digestion, fermentation, gas buildup, and ultimately, acid reflux—or poor vagal tone, which controls stomach acid production and intestinal motility.

If you’ve been struggling with acid reflux and relying on PPIs or antacids (like Tums, Pepto-Bismol, Gaviscon, or Rennie), you may find yourself in a cycle of unending reflux, unable to get off the drugs, and having to be increasingly restrictive with your diet and behaviors.

Sleeping with a wedge pillow or always on your left side?

Not eating anything 3-4 hours before bed?

Feeling like food is stuck in your stomach, as heavy as a ball of lead?

If that’s the case, I completely understand.

I’ve helped many people in your situation free themselves from the need to take PPIs and antacids, while promoting the production of healthy levels of stomach acid. This ensures the LES clamps shut when you eat, preventing food from refluxing up your esophagus and allowing it to be digested properly.

Hi, I’m Andreea

I’m a Registered Dietitian specializing in gut health and longevity, with a Master’s Degree in Molecular Biology.

A while ago I founded VEXA to empower others to improve longevity using diet and lifestyle—but discovered in the process that most people can’t even digest properly.

What good are longevity therapies and supplements if you can’t absorb them adequately? What good is any therapy if you don’t even have the foundation of gut health, on which all the other pillars are built upon?

In my journey as a healthcare professional, I’ve witnessed firsthand the profound impact that gut health has on every aspect of people’s lives. From digestion to immunity, from mood to hormones to metabolism—gut health influences it all.

Heartburn, in particular, is a condition I found in most of people over 50 that I worked with, making me realize it’s much more prevalent than we think, especially those of us operating in longevity research as well.

In my journey to help people correct this condition, I transitioned from trying to help decrease acidity by recommending “alkalizing” diets and supplements to doing the exact opposite, recognizing I was wrong in my initial approach.

What You Get

Precision Nutrition Plans

Customized dietary plans to normalize stomach acidity, strengthen the stomach lining and support complete closure of the LES.

Expert Guidance & Support

Personalized support and guidance from a registered dietitian specializing in longevity, gut and metabolic health.

Cutting-Edge Research

Evidence-based strategies grounded in the latest scientific research on digestive health and heartburn root causes.

Detailed Interventions

Comprehensive intervention plans, covering all aspects of your health, including physical, mental, and emotional.

My Comprehensive Acid Reflux, GERD Treatment Approach

Dietary Interventions

Customized meal plans designed to enhance your body’s ability to produce stomach acid and support proper digestion.

Targeted Supplementation

Evidence-based supplements like Betaine HCL/Pepsin/Gentian bitters, slippery elm, prokinetics, probiotics, and more—to improve stomach acid levels and aid digestion.

Behavioral Interventions

Lifestyle and behavioral strategies to improve vagal tone and manage conditions like prediabetes, diabetes, and chronic inflammation.

Gut Microbiome Testing

Acid reflux and GERD are often linked to gut dysbiosis, and targeted probiotic/synbiotic supplements can reduce acid reflux symptoms.

Often, especially as a result of long-term PPI use, gut dysbiosis (imbalance in the microbes in your gut) can occur.

At VEXA, I offer gut microbiome testing and comprehensive precision nutrition reports, so you can discover the best foods and supplements for you to balance your gut microbiome.


I treat Acid Reflux/GERD using a functional approach, combining nutrition, digestive support supplements, herbal prokinetics, behavioral strategies, and comprehensive testing to address the root causes of the heartburn.

Results vary, but many patients start to notice significant improvements at around week 3 of starting my intervention protocol.

This varies from person to person, but a minimum of two consultations (the initial consultation and a follow-up) would normally be required in order for me to create an adequate and informed intervention plan.

I can appreciate that you’ve gone through a lot; acid reflux is a condition that often goes on for years with very little lasting relief.

But don’t worry, part of the collection of your medical history happens before our consultation.

Once you book the appointment, you will be required to fill a detailed nutrition onboarding form (online), which will help me come into the consultation prepared to simply ask targeted questions and get to the bottom of your issues and/or request further testing, if appropriate.

Yes, my practice has transitioned to fully online, recognizing this is most convenient for everyone.

Yes, absolutely. I’m happy to work with you from “across the pond” and am fully happy to suggest supplements you can easily find in the US and recommend US-based gut microbiome testing, if that’s something you’d like to pursue.

Yes, absolutely. My services are vegan/vegetarian/plant-based-friendly and I’m happy to help you regain your gut health using balanced and delicious plant-based dishes.

100% Telehealth

Our services are delivered via telehealth so you can access them whenever and wherever you are

Food Tracker Apps

We work with several food tracking apps that can support you in accurately tracking what you eat to build accountability.

Connected Devices

We leverage data from a multitude of connected devices, from smartwatches, smart rings, CGMs, temperature sensors, smart scales, smart bottles, etc. – to measure your vitals and progress.