Chronic Constipation Specialization

Ease your discomfort, achieve regular bowel movements, and improve your digestive health—all through precision nutrition

Digestive Health Expert • Personalized nutrition for effective constipation relief

Personalized Diet Plan

Customized nutrition plan designed to address your specific dietary needs, lifestyle factors, and digestive health goals

Expert Guidance & Support

Personalized support and guidance from a registered dietitian with expertise in digestive health and constipation relief

Digestive Health Strategies

Evidence-based strategies to naturally alleviate constipation and promote optimal digestive function through diet changes

Gut Microbiome Testing

Insights into the role of your gut microbiota in constipation, which can help you learn how dietary interventions can positively impact your gut health

Do you regularly experience less than three bowel movements a week?

Is your stool hard, dry or difficult to pass?

Have you tried everything, from fiber and hydration to supplements?

We can help! A well-balanced diet can significantly improve your bowel regularity and treat chronic constipation.

By finding and addressing the root causes of constipation through dietary adjustments, you can effectively achieve constipation relief and enhance your digestive comfort.


Ready to find relief from chronic constipation through personalized diet strategies?

Schedule a consultation with our digestive health expert today!

Meet Andreea

Registered Dietitian specializing in longevity and metabolic/gut health

Constipation affects millions worldwide, causing discomfort, disrupting daily life and occasionally leading to chronic disease. As a prevalent digestive issue, constipation can stem from various factors, including diet, lifestyle, and gut health.

Through evidence-based dietary interventions and personalized nutrition plans, I specialize in helping individuals find relief from constipation and improve their digestive well-being.

If you’re ready to address your constipation concerns and achieve optimal digestive health through targeted dietary strategies, book a consultation today.

Let’s work together to ease your discomfort and restore balance to your digestive system so you can feel free to live life fully.

Your Constipation Relief Journey

Initial Consultation

During your initial assessment, we will take a detailed health history and devise a comprehensive nutrition intervention plan, including diet, lifestyle and supplement recommendations.

Periodic Follow-Ups

We follow-up periodically to support you through your lifestyle transformation and adjust the intervention plan as needed.

Meal Planning & Ongoing Support

We provide ongoing support for anything related to your intervention plan—whether you have extra questions or need more ideas for healthy meals (email/text between sessions)

At VEXA, we don’t believe in “dieting” or one-size-fits-all approaches.

We believe in Real Food and use a stigma-free nutrition counseling approach to help you make changes to your nutrition choices that will transform your life (and your body) for the better.

100% Telehealth

Our services are delivered via telehealth so you can access them whenever and wherever you are

Food Tracker Apps

We work with several food tracking apps that can support you in accurately tracking what you eat to build accountability.

Connected Devices

We leverage data from a multitude of connected devices, from smartwatches, smart rings, CGMs, temperature sensors, smart scales, smart bottles, etc. – to measure your vitals and progress.